Are you ready to finally end the stress, drama, and dysfunction in your relationships? From family to romantic partners to co-workers, we are constantly navigating relationships, and in these 6 weeks you'll master the skills required to honor yourself while in relationship with others.


Click below to get priority enrollment for 48 hours before enrollment is opened to the public. Only 5 participants will be accepted into this first 6 week program!


Strengthen your relationship skills to strengthen your relationships!


Self Center: A 6 Week Online Group Coaching Journey

A strong relationship with yourself is the key to healthy relationships with others!


Self Center:

A 6 Week Online Group Coaching Journey



Learn how to disconnect from the noise around you and tune in to what's happening in your mind, body, and soul. I will teach you how to have the following:

  • Enhanced Communication: Learn effective communication techniques to express yourself clearly and listen actively.
  • Conflict Resolution: Gain strategies to resolve conflicts calmly and constructively.
  • Empathy Development: Increase your ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
  • Trust Building: Discover ways to build and maintain trust in your relationships.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Improve your ability to manage and understand your own emotions and those of others.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness techniques to stay present and engaged in your relationships.
  • Strengthened Bonds: Develop deeper connections with loved ones through shared experiences and understanding.
  • Self-Awareness: Enhance your awareness of your own needs, boundaries, and patterns in relationships.
  • Stress Reduction: Learn how to manage stress in your relationships through yoga and other relaxation techniques.
  • Healthy Boundaries: Understand the importance of setting and respecting boundaries to maintain healthy relationships.

It’s time to nurture yourself like never before.

MODULE #1: Internal Family Systems

  • What is IFS? History, terminology, how it works, what are parts?
  • Getting to know our different parts (we all have many selves).
  • Understanding which parts work together and what they’re doing for us.
  • Seeing other peoples’ parts (making peace with the world).
  • Understanding the True Self; The part you can trust.
  • The bigger picture: Seeing parts on the world stage, the war of parts.

MODULE #2: The Nervous System

  • Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • What is nervous system regulation? How do we regulate?
  • Dissociation vs embodiment
  • Triggers/activation/ Fight Flight Freeze Fawn
  • Completing the stress response
  • Addictions and self soothing
  • How trauma impacts the NS : PTSD and CPTSD

MODULE #3: Emotional Skills

  • Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Maturity
  • Regulation vs Dysregulation
  • Navigating communication when dysregulated
  • How to navigate emotional dysregulation in others

MODULE #4: Embodiment

  • What is embodiment?
  • Understanding why we dis-embody (aka dissociate)
  • “Listening” to the body
  • Intuition and emotions as physical sensations in the body
  • Caring for the physical body, healing our relationship with the body

MODULE #5: Boundaries

  • What are boundaries?
  • How to properly set and maintain effective boundaries
  • How to navigate backlash when setting boundaries
  • Understanding people pleasing and conflict avoidance
  • Creating balance by giving only as much as we receive
  • Understanding Rupture and Repair in relationships
  • Anger and resentment as messengers
  • Honoring and prioritizing yourself
  • Letting go of rescuing others from their hardship

MODULE #6: Cycle Breaking

  • The science behind why our experiences from ages 0-7 create a blueprint for lifelong behaviors and beliefs
  • Reprogramming the brain and nervous system for a healthier future
  • Reflecting on your family of origin and childhood experiences
  • Understanding parents and caregivers as people with many parts
  • Enmeshment vs closeness
  • Attachments and trauma bonding- how childhood caregivers influence what we tolerate in relationships as adults
  • How to be a cycle breaker in your own family

6 Week Group Coaching Program EXTRAS


In addition to our 6 live sessions together, participants will have access to:
  • A library of practices (yoga, meditation, breath)
  • Worksheets and workbooks for further exploration 
  • Journaling prompts to guide deeper self discovery
  • Emergency toolkit for moments of dysregulation and overwhelm
  • Recommended resources for further reading and learning
  • Access to a members-only facebook community
I can’t wait to connect and grow with you!


I’m Christen Berryman, creator and founder of The Self Center. I received a Bachelor’s Degree in WGSS from The Ohio State University in 2015. In my program, I focused my studies on systemic oppression, racism, classism, and the way our intersecting identities impact our lives. Studying humanity at its worst and opening my eyes to the rampant suffering and injustice of the world was heavy, and I had no tools for managing the emotional intensity of it. But I was on fire with passion- that is until I burnt out. Approaching my final semester, running on fumes and having multiple panic attacks a week, I showed up to my advisor’s office to schedule my last dreaded semester of school. “I don’t think I can do it” I told her. And what she said changed the trajectory of my life. She said “why don’t you take a yoga class this semester?”


For one semester, I took a 2 hour yoga class on Friday evenings. In the first hour, we broke down the alignment of the poses and in the second hour, the instructor guided us through a practice incorporating the breath. By the end of the first class I could sense that yoga was shifting things within me. I could breathe. I could feel that the panic and anxiety had lifted from my chest.


I made it through that semester thanks to yoga. I knew the practice had saved me from a meltdown, and I NEEDED to know more. I immediately applied for a 200 hour yoga teacher training. I was still pretty new to doing yoga when I learned to teach it to others.


I began teaching immediately upon becoming certified and have been teaching yoga actively for the 8 years since. Because of my own background with yoga, my classes and programs are designed to support mental and emotional health, the nervous system, spiritual growth, self awareness, deep self trust, and the need to feel safe in our bodies.


After 8 years and thousands of hours of teaching, I took my work outside the yoga studio into 1:1 private sessions. In these sessions, I incorporate so much more than yoga. I bring together ancient wisdom and modern science so my clients have as many tools as possible in their toolbox as they strive to navigate the complexity of human life while maintaining inner peace. I am thrilled to share these practices with even more people by bringing my work online. The Self Center is an online community which gathers people committed to growth and the pursuit of wisdom and peace. Here, not only can they support one another, they have access to a wide variety of practices which guide them in being the wisest, most confident version of themselves.


I am a voracious researcher and lifelong learner. Members of my community and participants in my programs can trust that they are receiving the most up-to-date information and techniques to help them grow and heal - spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. I also embody these practices myself, so all that I share is backed by my lived experiences and practices. The Self Center is a bit like DIY therapy with an expert offering guidance, education, tools, and support.

The Self Center Membership

Will be a monthly membership priced around $30-$40 a month for members. Within the membership portal (on Kajabi) members will have access to:

  • An Online library of practices including yoga, breathwork, meditations, mobility exercises, Qi Gong, Morning and Bedtime Routines
  • Live coaching calls with me once a month
  • Access to a Members-Only facebook group to connect with others on a path of self study and growth
  • Journal prompts and workbooks
  • Recommended resources for further exploration of concepts

"I use the strategies I learned in this masterclass daily. They help me show up for myself and my family in incredible ways."

Dina Porters

"I love the live practice sessions included in the masterclass! Being able to put what I learned into practice right away was powerful."

Petra Shrew

The Big Picture:


The Self Center will eventually be an online community in the form of a monthly membership. There will be several Self Center offerings, paid and free in a variety of formats (courses, digital downloads, youtube practices etc.) which will funnel/guide visitors to the membership community. 



Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:




2 monthly payments

  • Access to 1 new module every 60 days
  • Access to 1 monthly group coaching call
  • Printable self-love workbook
  • Membership to the Self-Love community
  • Live text support



Save $1

  • Immediate access to all 6 modules
  • Access to weekly group coaching calls
  • Hardcover self-love workbook
  • Membership to The Self Center community
  • Live phone + text support


If you aren’t completely satisfied with your The Self Center Membership let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.