Family, friends, romantic partners, co-workers: We spend so much time and energy in life navigating relationships. In this 6 week group coaching program, you'll learn the skills required to honor yourself while in relationship with others.


Enrollment opens again November 2024


Strengthen your relationship with yourself to strengthen your relationships.

Self Center: A 6 Week Online Group Coaching Journey

The path to yourself starts here.


Self Center:

A 6 Week Online Group Coaching Journey

Self-centered is the wisest way to be. Why would anyone else be the center point of your life?

Learn how to love and support others without abandoning yourself. In our 6 weeks together, we will explore how to strengthen your relationship with yourself so you aren't pouring from an empty cup. You'll leave this program with confidence in a variety of skills, including:

  • Healthy Communication: Learn effective communication skills so you can confidently speak your truth and navigate conflict.
  • Conflict Resolution: Gain strategies for staying calm and repairing when rupture occurs in relationships.
  • Compassion: Deepen your ability to understand yourself and others from a place of compassion (even when it's hard!)
  • Embodiment: Learn how to stay present with yourself even when your experiences are painful and scary. 
  • Emotional Skills: Improve your ability to understand and navigate your own emotions and those of others.
  • Nervous System Regulation: Master your ability to return to calm when your peace has been disrupted.
  • Cycle Breaking: Evaluate patterns from your past and identify those which no longer serve you.
  • Forgiveness: Release the weight of your anger. Forgive yourself and others by understanding the wounds behind the choices we make.
  • Overwhelm Relief: Learn how to identify when you're at capacity and return to a state of clarity and wisdom.
  • Healthy Boundaries: Understand how to set boundaries and why maintaining boundaries is essential for healthy relationships.


It’s time to show up for yourself like never before.

Internal Family Systems

The IFS framework is the foundation of this healing journey we'll take together. IFS is proven to alleviate shame and self criticism, which hold us back from believing we can heal (or that we deserve to). Together well explore:

  • What is IFS? The history, function, and effect of the IFS approach.
  • Getting to know our different parts (we all have many parts of ourselves).
  • How to make sense of self-destructive behaviors and patterns without succumbing to shame.
  • Seeing through the behaviors of others to understand the unhealed wounds motivating those behaviors.
  • Understanding the true Self; The part you can trust amidst inner chaos and confusion.
  • The bigger picture: Seeing parts on the world stage. Viewing global politics and social justice from an IFS lens.


The Nervous System

Understanding the Nervous System is essential for understanding trauma, healing, emotions, and behaviors. We'll explore:

  • The Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
  • Nervous System Regulation. What does it mean to be dysregulated? How do we regulate?
  • Dissociation vs embodiment
  • Triggers/activation/ Fight Flight Freeze Fawn
  • Completing the stress response
  • Addictions and self soothing
  • How trauma impacts the Nervous System: An overview of PTSD and CPTSD

Emotional Skills

Being a human is an emotional journey. People experience and express emotions differently, which often creates or intensifies conflict. We'll explore:

  • Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Maturity
  • How emotions and the nervous system interact with one another
  • How the brain functions when intense emotions are present in the body
  • Communicating well when emotions are running high
  • How to navigate emotional dysregulation in others

Embodiment and Somatics

Think of embodiment as the opposite of dissociation. When we are embodied, we are present with our full sensory experience. We'll explore:

  • Somatics: What does this word mean and how does the Somatic paradigm support healing?
  • Dissociation: What is it, why do we do it, and how do we gain control over our dissociative tendencies?
  • Matter over Mind vs Mind over Matter: understanding how "I think, therefor I am" has resulted in cultural dismissal and abandonment of the body.
  • What it means to "listen to the body"
  • Intuition and emotions as physical sensations. Understanding physical sensations as messages from the body.
  • Caring for the physical body, healing your relationship with your body.
  • The connection between the emotional and physical selves
  • The role dissociation plays in your relationships
  • How dissociation is healthy and necessary, and how it keeps us safe.


In this cultural moment, boundaries have become a popular topic. Together we'll dive deeper than common understanding to explore:

  • What are boundaries? How do we set them calmly? Can we do it wrong?
  • How to properly uphold boundaries so they are actually effective 
  • How to navigate the  reactions of others to boundaries you set
  • How people pleasing and conflict avoidance are hurting you and your relationships and how to recover from these patterns
  • How to balance giving and receiving in our relationships
  • How boundaries can actually strengthen our relationships and bring us closer together
  • The relationship between anger and boundaries
  • The importance of Self-validation and how to Self-validate.
  • How to love others without feeling responsible for their emotions or circumstances (letting people learn their own lessons.)

Cycle Breaking

We were all raised by adults. As we know, adults aren't perfect. We all picked up at least one unhealthy habit in childhood. Often times, it feels so normal we can't even see it. Together we'll explore:

  • The science of how our experiences from ages 0-7 create a blueprint for lifelong behaviors and beliefs
  • How to reprogram the brain and nervous system for a healthier future of YOUR CHOOSING
  • How to make the connection between childhood experiences and current struggles
  • How to see parents and caregivers as people with many parts (IFS) and how to reconcile our love for our caregivers with the fact that they caused harm.
  • The difference between a close family and an enmeshed family
  • Parentification and emotionally immature parents
  • Attachments and trauma bonding- how childhood caregivers influence what we tolerate in relationships as adults
  • How to be a cycle breaker in your own family



Extra gifts for members:


In addition to our 6 live sessions together, you will have access to:
  • A library of yoga, meditation, and breathwork practices
  • Worksheets and workbooks for further exploration 
  • Journal prompts to guide deeper self discovery
  • An emergency toolkit for moments of dysregulation and emotional overwhelm
  • Recommended resources for further reading and learning
  • Access to a members-only Facebook community
  • A bonus live session on how to use these tools to deepen your spiritual connection
I am HONORED to walk alongside you on this path!


I’m Christen Berryman, creator and founder of The Self Center. I received a Bachelor’s Degree in WGSS from The Ohio State University in 2015. In my program I focused my studies on systemic oppression, racism, classism, and the way our intersecting identities impact our lives. Studying humanity at its worst and opening my eyes to the rampant suffering and injustice of the world was heavy, and I had no tools for managing that emotional intensity at the time. Approaching my final semester, I was running on fumes and having multiple panic attacks a week. I told my advisor I wasn't sure I could make it through another semester. What she said changed the trajectory of my life: “Why don’t you take a yoga class this semester?”

I enrolled in a semester of yoga and started working with a therapist at the same time. The combination of those two tools put my healing journey in the fast lane.

I made it through that semester thanks to yoga and therapy, and after graduating immediately applied for a 200 hour yoga teacher training.

I began teaching immediately upon becoming certified and have been teaching yoga actively for the 9 years since. I have also continued working on myself in therapy and furthering my studies on trauma, the nervous system, and somatics. Because of my own background, my programs and classes are designed to utilize the tools offered by therapy and somatic practices so students can learn and turn their knowledge into real change. All healing is self healing: I share the tools and teach how to use them, my clients do the work.

After thousands of hours of teaching, I focused my work into 1:1 private sessions.  These sessions combine ancient wisdom and modern science so my clients have as many tools as possible in their toolbox as they navigate the complexity of human life. I have mined all my methods of self healing for the jewels they provide. Rather than finding these pieces on a scavenger hunt of sorts, my students have access to them all in one place.

I am thrilled to share these practices with even more people by bringing my work online. The Self Center is an online community which gathers people committed to growth and the pursuit of wisdom, healing, and peace. Here, not only will you gain the support of a like-minded community, you'll also have access to a wide variety of practices which guide you to the wisest, most confident version of yourself.

I am a voracious researcher and lifelong learner. Members of my community and participants can trust that they are receiving the most up-to-date information and techniques to help them grow and heal - spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. I also embody these practices myself, so all that I share is backed by my lived experiences and practices. I practice what I preach. The Self Center is a bit like DIY therapy with an expert offering guidance, education, tools, and support. I also understand that everyone's experience is different, so I offer a variety of approaches to healing so everyone can follow what feels best to them at any point in their journey.

You're here for a reason.

“Christen is a natural, this is clearly her thing.”

“The concepts she shares are not new to me. I KNOW them, but our work together has allowed me to DO them.”

Christen helped me discover that I can pretty much do anything as long as I remember to breathe correctly.

I torture myself so much less since working with her. I’m not so hard on myself and I know it will pass.

Christen helped me see that things don’t need to be perfect to be beneficial.

I ask lots of questions and she never makes me feel dumb or bothersome for asking.

Her answers are very thorough.

I would recommend Christen to everyone I know. I’m not sure I could ever have another instructor but her. She makes me feel so comfortable.

She is such a calm, soothing person. She offers feedback in a way that never makes me feel judged.

“Working with Christen has helped me be more present in my body and aware of myself.”

She has so much wisdom and empowers her students to be able to tune into themselves.








Payment Plans Available



For those with limited financial resources


If you complete this program and feel it has not supported you in creating any shifts in your life, you'll receive your money back. Since this is the Beta Launch of this program, I will ask for feedback about your experience before providing a refund.

The Self Center Membership 


Soon, I'll be launching a membership platform. 

Within the membership portal, members will have access to:

  • An Online library of practices including yoga, breathwork, meditations, mobility exercises, Qi Gong, Morning and Bedtime Routines, and more
  • Regular live coaching calls with me 
  • Journal prompts and workbooks
  • Access to a Members-Only Facebook group to connect with other seekers on a path of growth and healing
  • Recommended resources for further exploration of concepts